Sunday Morning Worship Encounter | 7/30/2023

Superintendent Watkins

Believe God, it’s Got to Happen”

Genesis 21:1-3

The Lord was gracious to Sarah, just as he had said he would be. He did for Sarah what he had promised to do. 2Sarah became pregnant. She had a son by Abraham when he was old. He was born at the exact time God had promised him.

3Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah had by him.

Romans 4:18-21

18When there was no reason for hope, Abraham believed because he had hope. He became the father of many nations, exactly as God had promised. God said, “That is how many children you will have.”

19Without becoming weak in his faith, Abraham accepted the fact that he was past the time when he could have children. At that time he was about 100 years old. He also realized that Sarah was too old to have children.

20But he kept believing in God’s promise. He became strong in his faith. He gave glory to God. 21He was absolutely sure that God had the power to do what he had promised.